Getsuyoubi kara Kataomoi review

Apr 09, 2021
If someone were to ask me for a romance or shoujo manga recommendation, I will definitely NOT recommend it. This is by all honesty and purely my own opinion, BAD.

The story do not have any direction or even has no intention of moving forward. The characters were not even given proper introduction to the readers. It is important for me that the characters cultivate some kind of identity of their own by taking out everything about them and show it to the readers. But this manga did no such thing.

Tanaka's purpose was wasted. He should serve as some kind of threat or challenge to the main characters but nah dah. What is this manga for? It is true that the manga is short with only couples of chapter but that is not enough reason to throw every chances of making the story clear and wholesome out of the window and stick with 'romance with no substance' instead.


Getsuyoubi kara Kataomoi
Getsuyoubi kara Kataomoi
Autor Kyoumachi, Hisa