Alice 19th review

Apr 04, 2021
Possibly one of my favorite mangas ever. The best part about it is that they fight with words, and not meaningless magical powers with a bunch of fancy words. It really stresses inner-goodness, and believing in yourself, and having courage. Plus, the characters are beautifully gorgeous, especially the guys! I loved the romance, and I loved how Alice seems like the true underdog of the story, and ends up being on top. The plot is also really good, it's not your traditional plot and will keep you wondering what will happen next!

Best parts: When Chris shows up, because he is hilarious; anytime Alice and Kyo interact romantically; when Nyozeka makes any sort of comedic appearance (she's not so fun when she is serious); FREY!!!!

Worst parts: Mayura...she's a huge part of the story, but I really don't like her. Alice's devotion to her is kind of annoying, because Mayura just seems so full of herself. I also don't like when the story deals with her makes me sad and bored at the same time, somehow.

But all in all, it's great, and I would recommend it to anyone!!!!


Alice 19th
Alice 19th
Autor Watase, Yuu