Kiseijuu review

Mar 31, 2021
Parasyte/Kiseijuu is one of those mangas that remains timelessly good. While I was rather critical of the anime adaptation, I'm glad that I decided to read the manga afterwards. Thanks to a strong narrative, beautiful art, and well-written character arcs, this manga shines as one of the best examples of horror seinen.

[Story - 9]

The plot seems rather bland at first (Follows the adventures of high school upperclassman Shinichi Izumi as he has to cope with an alien inhabiting part of his body), but thanks to Iwaaki's clever writing, it becomes rather intriguing. Adequately exploring a range of themes such as humanity's destructive potential and whether or not we can really understand beings like the parasites makes each mini-arc a worthwhile read, which all ties together beautifully when it revolves around how Shinichi and Migi (his alien pal) react.

[Art - 9]

I ADORED the art in this manga. While some may call it dated, I personally love the look and feel of it. It has a very minimalist vibe to it, yet can have a degree of detail not seen often. Of course, the gore comes out grossly beautiful, but the various backgrounds and expressions of characters are just as noteworthy. Character design is a bit....tacky, but I mostly blame that on the time period, and reflect the character well regardless.

[Character - 8]

Characterization is one common element of critique this shares with the anime adaptation. To summarize: Most characters aren't really fleshed out beyond their initial traits, and feel incomplete. While some characters definitely escape this vacuum, it still exists elsewhere and it's a shame.

However, characters such as Satomi Murano (the love interest) and Tamura Reiko (an antagonist) receive a strong amount of development. Whether it's because of their actions or inner monologues, these characters stand out among the rest.

Of course, they don't compare to the protagonist, Shinichi, and the deuteragonist Migi. Seeing Shinichi go from a 'human with a monster inside' to 'half-human, half-monster', was absolutely Awesome, especially when done in the more relaxed format and pacing of manga. Migi's concurrent arc is just as noteworthy, seeing him go from someone completely analytical to a distinctive outlier.

[Enjoyment/Overall - 9]

This manga, as said at the beginning, is timeless. It will stay with you for quite a while, and it's safe to say it can easily become a favourite. Definitely check this out for a meditation on humanity's place in the world set to the backdrop of gory alien horror.


Autor Iwaaki, Hitoshi