Hatsukoi Zombie

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Alternativas: Synonyms: First Love Zombie
Japanese: 初恋ゾンビ
Autor: Minenami, Ryou
Escribe: Manga
Volúmenes: 17
Capítulos: 167
Estado: Finished
Publicar: 2015-10-14 to 2019-03-27
Publicación por entregas: Shounen Sunday


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Alternativas: Synonyms: First Love Zombie
Japanese: 初恋ゾンビ
Autor: Minenami, Ryou
Escribe: Manga
Volúmenes: 17
Capítulos: 167
Estado: Finished
Publicar: 2015-10-14 to 2019-03-27
Publicación por entregas: Shounen Sunday
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According to Ryuu Yashiro, Tarou Kurume's childhood friend, he is not interested in love. But one day, the ball hit by his classmate, Mei Ebino, directly hit his head rendering him unconscious.

When Tarou wakes up, there's a girl "above" him...
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Hatsukoi Zombie review
Apr 04, 2021
So Hatsukoi Zombie, is a manga full of drama and teenage stuff, i don't know why and how, but, i actually came to like this particularly.

Now, i'll admit that the manga sometimes has his 'only fanservice' episodes, but, they rarely happen to appear(on my opinion).

*this contains spoilers*

I won't explain the whole plot becuase i find it kinda slow at the beginning but the more you read, the more you keep reading, i think the fact that i had none expectations for this manga actually made me enjoy it, you see, i've already read himegoto by the time i started reading this manga, so my expectations for the author were really low, especially since i find every character of himegoto so disgusting to the point that i actually dropped it, and now, Hatsukoi showed me that the author really can make some good stuff.

Most of the characters on this manga are actually just fillers, so the plot beetwen the MC's can develope properly, now let's begin with Tarou our MC, he is a energy saving guy who happened to receive the most unexpected power, the one that builds the whole plot around him, it's really a guy that sometimes annoys you with his carefree decisions but you actually don't get to hate him or anything like that.
Our second protagonist/antagonist(because she could end the main issue whenever she wanted to) is a girl who happened to known Tarou back when he wasn't a energy saving man, well she holds a grudge to him, becuase he cursed her? don't know how to explain what he did tho.
And our last MC is Ebino the girl who knows tarou 3 years before the story takes place, she is the character with the best development at this point, she used to be a tomboy and now is trying to be with Tarou after a couple of misunderstandings and a bunch of drama.

the art has a lot of ecchi scenes(not as many as himegoto tho) but you don't actually feel like it's the main objective of the manga(like himegoto or Amano Megumi), the drawing is pretty good, you can see that the characters sometimes have a lot detail to the point you wonder if it was really necessary and actually that makes you appreciate it.

i do recommend this manga if you are looking for something funny and a bit romantic, i'll give it a 9/10 because is still publishing nowadays but i don't think my opinion changes.

Edit: Holy f**k i actually changed my mind after finishing the manga sh*t, while i made the first review i was far from the end, but now, after a few hours of finishing it and having a time for reflection i came to the conclusion that it was a huge let down about the last 20 chapters of the story everything is kinda rushed becuase you get introduced to a relatively new character that serves for nothing but to trigger a epiphany to our mc companion which, at the same time triggers another epiphany to him. We get seeing how my preferred heroine wasn't in love enough to fight and reminds me of nisekoi and multiple series where the best heroine is left aside.

Edited Overall:
Even though I still recommend this manga, I don't feel it deserves the rating I gave it the first time so I'll change it to 6/10 for the unnatural and rushed the end of events it had.
Hatsukoi Zombie review
Apr 04, 2021
TL;DR: Hatsukoi Zombie is without a doubt worth the read if you're willing to invest into it. It seemed to me like a generic high school ecchi romcom at a glance, but I was completely wrong - It instead functions as a near perfect genre deconstruction, and has far exceeded any expectations I had going in. I highly recommend it as one of the best romance stories I've read in recent years.

From this point on this review will contain spoilers to the premise, mood, themes, and (to a minor extent) the plot of Hatsukoi Zombie. If you wish to find out for yourself what lurks beneath the surface of this manga, I would recommend stopping here, but be prepared to commit: it takes some time before it starts to show through, but when it does... it's worth it.

I don't think I can do the premise justice without spoiling anything major, so please bear with me as I sell it in a manner no less deceptive than Hatsukoi Zombie appears:

Hatsukoi Zombie follows the story of a high schooler by the name of Tarou who encounters a being personifying his first love, Eve, in a manner also representing his ideal figure. The catch is that no one else is able to see her or hear her: a delusion of Tarou's own creation. Unable to realize his own first love, Tarou and Eve work together fulfilling the first loves of others and removing the burdens from within their hearts. During this time, Tarou and Eve both realize that they too must one day confront their own love: a can of worms that neither of them wish to open. But as the saying goes: all that glitters is not gold.

Hatsukoi Zombie's premise is pretty unique, even though it may not seem like it based on my description of it. It pulls a few twists and turns in the beginning that amount to nothing other than serving to hook you in long enough for it to set up what it needs to pull off what it does later on when you reach the climax of the story. It sticks quite heavily to the tropes and cliches of its genre and does a pretty good job of it as well. However, this changes quite abruptly once the characters and setting are all introduced and given some time to marinate.

The trick to Hatsukoi Zombie's story, and the reason why I will give it so much praise, is that it addresses the problem that you should begin to ask yourself after only a few chapters:

How can this illusory, contrived love between Tarou and the delusion of Eve ever work?

Simply put - it just can't. Rather than pandering to fanservice and pretending that it can, the author chooses to tackle this problem head on in a perfect deconstruction of the tropes and genre it had played up until this point. It completely changes the tone of the story from a lighthearted romance story to a bittersweet Romeo and Juliet style tragedy. The author pulls this off effectively by spending an incredibly large portion of time just building the characters through exploring trivial events in their day-to-day lives in the standard romcom style fashion.

The characters themselves start as blank slates: Their personalities are made visible through their actions and words rather than being explicitly stated, and rarely do they adhere to any specific tropes. They all act in a believable manner and rarely in a way that is excessive without some kind of rationality behind it, even if that rationale seems silly from an outside perspective. The personality of Eve is probably one of the most complex I've come across recently to the point where she feels about as real as it gets despite being a delusion of Tarou's creation - a kind of cruel, twisted irony in a way.

The art of Hatsukoi Zombie is also incredibly solid. While it isn't anything special, being neither extremely detailed or experimental in style, it does the one thing it has to do to make the story work - it flawlessly shows emotion through the facial expressions and body language of the characters. The expressions of the characters give away more than their words as to their inner thoughts and emotion. It hurts when you see a character talking in a relatively positive, upbeat manner only to see a major disconnect in their facial expression and body language at the same time that shows that they don't actually feel that way: that they're putting on a front for others.

All of this combines together into what I would consider a near-perfectly executed genre deconstruction and tragedy. Why? Because it doesn't simply throw it on you like some series do. Instead it waits until after you've gotten invested in the characters and only hints at it until the author knows that the investment is there to make it work and feel organic. If you are willing to take the time to get attached to the characters through a relatively slow-paced buildup, it is well worth it.

As of the point I've read up to as of the time writing this review, It's probably fair to say that I love Hatsukoi Zombie - I love the story, I love the art, and I love the characters. It's fulfilling and fun, albeit slow to develop (which I personally prefer). Every chapter left me desiring more and every chapter only served to enhance my passion for the story and characters. Sandwiched within the farce of a cheery, lighthearted romance manga came a remarkably well-written story of love and heartbreak that has stood out as one of the best I've ever come across and probably ever will. I'm glad I gave Hatsukoi Zombie a chance and chose to read it on a whim over the rest of my backlog - it is a true hidden gem among hidden gems. I highly recommend Hatsukoi Zombie to anyone who is willing to give it a chance.

DISCLAIMER/AFTERWORD: I'm neither an expert in writing reviews nor deep analysis of literature and art - someone more skilled than me can probably easily point out flaws with Hatsukoi Zombie that I might've glossed over. Regardless, I hope I have provided a good idea of an "average reader" sort of analysis.
Hatsukoi Zombie review
Apr 04, 2021
tl;dr: A manga that starts off amusing and lighthearted with great comedy and art while not really dealing much with its overarching plot, but does a good job of dealing with it in it's second half, though it's overtly drawn out and overtly serious to the point it's somewhat of a drag.

This is a manga that starts off incredibly amusing. It establishes its setup of what First Love Zombies  are and introduces and characters and the connections between the main trio Kurume, Ibisuki, and Eve really quickly and then moves on to what are essentially episodes of the trio playing matchmaker for the various people in their class in order to stop their love zombies from being major distractions. These stories are pretty solid in and of themselves and produce pretty solid couples, which is in and of itself pretty satisfying. There isn't a lot of drama, at least not serious drama, but what there is is good. What there is more of is a lot of comedy, which is excellent in and of itself and decently varied.

These stories also do a good job of fleshing out the characters more too. Kurume has a really strong personality that's quite a bit different from most protagonists in that he really isn't bothered by a lot of things, wherein throughout the story there are various false traits that other characters assign to him that most protagonists would likely object to and fight against, but he either ignores them completely or he leans into them because they actually help him out. Ibusuki also has really complicated circumstances that involves keeping a lot of secrets, so the resulting strong internal reactions to things that can't show to others at all was amusing and resulted in a pretty likable character. Eve didn't have that strong of a personality, but she's adorable enough to be really likable as well. The pacing also felt pretty fast at first in that there's always something happening that feels like it matters, even if it does just deal with side characters because it feels like there's progress in terms of character development in the main characters as a result. Just all around, it's a pretty light hearted and casual romp that's just kind of fun all around.

Still, from the beginning the premise and mechanics that the author sets up are ones that are kind of screwed up in a sense, and it's clear from the start that unless the author does something like not giving a proper ending or pulling out a deus ex machina that changes things tremendously, that at best the only reasonable ending the manga could have despite it being one that feels so lighthearted at first is one that is at best bittersweet. The author pulls neither of those tricks, and thus eventually the manga begins going down the path of actually tackling its core issues, though once it starts down that path it takes quite a bit longer than I expected to get there. It feels like it's starting to get more serious about half way through, but truly gets completely serious during the last third.

At this point the comedy dries up pretty much completely, instead focusing solely on the drama which gets quite intense. The general tone which was so happy go lucky becomes incredibly dreary. Things certainly progress and things are brought to an ending that seems reasonable, although incredibly predictable. However, it felt like it took too long to get there and the drama was heavily drawn out, though in part that may be because to a degree it felt so out of place considering how different it is from how the manga started. And while the ending is reasonable and did manage to have a good amount of impact emotionally, I can't say I'm completely satisfied with it, only so-so satisfied, though to a degree I expected that I would feel that way about the ending from the beginning.

The art is high quality from the beginning, wherein the premise and tone allow the author a lot of opportunity to really use it well and they certainly do, making the artistic quality for the first half or so downright excellent. However, it felt like that too took a turn for the worse as it got more serious because going completely crazy with the art wouldn't really fit the tone, and thus is becomes much more subdued and in general not as pleasing to look at in and of itself.
Hatsukoi Zombie review
Apr 04, 2021
This manga is something that I’m really passionate about, I remember seeing the description and thinking hey this sounds like The world god only knows. I was hooked from that point, the premise is super strong though sometimes I wish they would have leaned on it a bit more, though that's just because the side stories we're really well written. Where I may have previously been only interested in the premise I soon became obsessed with seeing how the characters would progress, it’s strange how sometimes just one page of this manga can make me jump from my chair and just start dancing from excitement of what's to come (not even a joke I really did dance from happiness) though there are also moments where I just feel broken from what they may be hinting at.

The story takes some wild turns at times throwing the reader into will they won't they moments and making us sit on the edge of our seat as we watch for the solutions. The characters really come to life over the time we spend with them and you become attached to them in a way that hurts to say goodbye. The art shows that the artist really put their effort and love into the manga and it pays off brilliantly. I'm so happy I found this manga and that it became an obsession that I will keep with me from now on.

It’s amazing how far a story develops within us, whether we read or watch something over years or days it still feels like we've been invested for ages because you become apart of the story, observing the character's personality and following their flow of time. Thinking from where it all started knowing that one baseball would change not only the characters lives but mine, this manga is incredibly special and deserves your attention. I rarely see anything produce a response in me that this manga has, I’m incredibly taken by every word and picture. Please give it your attention.

I'm really looking forward to Minenami, Ryou next works and seeing what they have previously done.