Genshiken 's review

Mar 25, 2021
The most tantalizing thing about Genshikken is perhaps that in the end it is a story about normal people. Sure each of them has their own quirks, but don't all people have their quirks? Sure they're all otaku, but that doesn't exempt them from the labors of life such as: attending class, buying food, finding jobs, pursuing romance and friendships, and most importantly trying to find a place in life. Because of this Genshiken is that rare manga where you can really find that character who you identify as yourself. Perhaps you identify with Sasahara (as I did), the timid and introverted otaku who knows what he loves, but is too afraid to admit it to others, even those who feel the same. Or perhaps you feel more like Madarame, who is too honest for his own good and so hides his feelings behind the veil of a fake personality.Whatever the case, at its heart Genshiken is a story about a group of teenagers, brought together by a similar interest (or in Saki's case, a cute guy with disgusting hobbies) who as a result all grow up together, and share their most treasured experiences with one another.

Oh, and it's a comedy, too. I did mention that, right? No? Well, it's a comedy. A pretty good comedy, actually. Genshiken is a veritable slew of parodies, ranging from Madarame spouting Gundam quotes left and right to ring tones that use theme songs from anime nobody even remembers. It is a story about otaku, for otaku, and there's something ironically humorous about it all.

The comedy of the club serves to show the reader just how important the Genshiken is to each of its members. This is a story about individuals who are drawn together via similar interest, and as a result become a family. A perverted, bickering, blundering, awkward family, but a family regardless. Genshiken is a slice of life. Genshiken is a comedy. Genshiken is a rare piece that I would say is a requirement for all serious anime and manga fans to read. It is a chronicle of those like you, a story about your life, even if the events don't quite match up. It teaches that it's okay to be open about your love. It teaches that it's okay to find comfort in those who have similar interest. It teaches that just because you're an otaku, doesn't mean you aren't also a human being. It teaches that in the end, everybody can find happiness, regardless of their likes and dislikes. To an outsider it might seem both alien and quaint, yet to us otaku it is a life changing piece that serves to both question and identify out place in the world: the same as anybody else.



Autor Kio, Shimoku