Hajimete no Gal review

Apr 05, 2021
This manga started off with overused gags, and the whole premise is superficial itself. Honestly, I only read the manga because of the yuri route it went. However, I do notice that the author did listen to some of the critical reviews.

If you want to have a short read with just fanservice and exaggerated characters with overused humor, Id suggest this.

Now, for the actual criticism, I will say that at first the MC was just superficial, however I noticed he became more calm and more understanding. I hated him at first because I believed he was just using her, however he grew out to be more loyal and liked her for her. Now, that is a good character development, however he still focused to much on the sex part, so I do feel like it contradicts the development?

Its not really a enjoyable male MC, and it's incredibly unrealistic and rushed for the side characters. I only liked one side character, which was the newest one recently, who slowly opened up to Yukina. Id only read this for the yuri route, as it's even more better than the MAIN COUPLE, and more wholesome/less superficial.


Hajimete no Gal
Hajimete no Gal
Autor Ueno, Meguru