Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san review

Apr 03, 2021
How can one read through all these chapters of verbal abuse and not feel sick in their stomach? For those who do - admit that it's a guilty pleasure. I acknowledge that there are people who are into it - being talked down and degraded by an anime 'waifu'. But nobody in their right mind should find it "cute" to see anyone being bullied. Ever.

You do not bully others because you like them. You do not bully people to the point of crying. Takagi-san is a great example of how one can utilize playfulness and proper pranking/teasing. What Nagatoro does is straight up abuse. Nobody in their right mind would pinpoint the deepest insecurities of those they care about and use it for humiliation to the point of making their victim cry - and enjoy it. No decent human would approach someone who is earnestly pursuing their dreams and absolutely degrade all the effort they went through becuase 'it was fun'. Why? Why would anybody say that is okay? Why would the author depict this as an idealistic form of romance?

Obviously the story gets a 1. It made me sick to the stomach. Perhaps I am biased or I "just don't get it". But when I see bullying, especially romanticized and excused in this way, this makes me sick. I kept reading and yes, I know that Nagatoro gets less harsh. But what the story needs needs is for what Nagatoro did to be acknowledged as disgusting. A silent voice made an attempt at this and while it was by no means a perfect portrayal of the potential bullying has on a person's psyche, at least they tried.

Art gets an 8. On a surface level the artwork can be said to be cute too, although it's nothing new. More importantly, I have to acknowledge the ability of the author to somewhat depict the smug and absolute heartlessness of Natagoro and the devastation and insecurity of her victim to the point that I found it hard to continue. Well done.

Character gets a 3. I applaud the author for being able to depict a bully and victim decently. However, interactions between people of those sorts of personalities usually result in much more fucked up outcomes. The start was well done, but you missed on the follow up.

Enjoyment gets a 1. Need I explain more?

This is definitely my opinion and a bias. I can tell that this is a guilty pleasure type of manga and there might've been many people like me who came in expecting something similar to a Tagaki-san dynamic. Others may have just wanted to see some art or eyecandy. I tried to give this a chance, but I'm just appalled.
