Ju-On Volume 2 review

Apr 07, 2021
This isn't really a sequel to the manga "Ju-on: Video Side" it's a manga adaptation of the movie Ju-On 2.

The art looks a little dated as it's not the generic anime style of today, but that's not a reason to avoid it.
The story follows the plot of the movie with Horror Queen actress Kyoko Harase doing a TV special inside the cursed Ju-On house only for her life to end up like the horrir films she starred in.

Kind of like the movie, this manga isn't very dialogue heavy.
Actually there's less than the movie since some scenes weren't added to the manga.
Which works condisering it helps build suspense as you're focusing on looking at what's going on in each panel.

The artwork is well drawn with disturbing creepy moments that will make you shudder.

If you want to read this, there are english copies printed by Dark Horse comics and can be found on Amazon. (At least that's where I got my copy.)


Ju-On Volume 2
Ju-On Volume 2
Autor Meimu