Kamichama Karin Chu review

Apr 03, 2021
If you've ever read the 1st initial series you know what Kamichama Karin is, and when it was at it's best. It had a ending that wrenches my heart everytime I read it, and I loved it being my first manga that was over 1 volume. However, this sequel, intended to wrap up plotholes lowers the overall standards.



While, as the story was darker, which I enjoyed, the plot was questionable.
Okay, so Karin and the 3 Gods of her Harem have to destroy seeds of chaos to save the future. But how, infact, does it save the future when the fighting was what did Michi and Kazune in in the first place! All the seeds/flowers/whatever seem to do in cause petty mischief, nothing future-killing. So why is my question?

Also, the sequel was intended to wrap up plotholes, but it never did such thing. Why does Yuuki has god-powers? DOES he even have powers? Can he use them? Why does Kazune have a sister if he's a clone? All it did was open up a new story and ignore the plotholes that could've been filled.


As usually, the art was cute big-eyed shojo, which I have no problem with at all.


Oh dear.

Karin: Karin was our normal perky shoujo heroine with a harem, like most shoujos, but atleast she can pack a punch. Still, her character never got very deep or developed at all.

Kazune: Oh no. We all remember Kazune as the sexist but cute bishounen with the bad temper and mysterious past, now apparently he's one of perverted bishie bad guys too? Where did that come from Koge-Donbo*?

Jin: Oh. A perverted idol who has crush on the main character. Nothing interesting.

Michii: Michii, how I love you so! The weird guy with a tragic past and who is purely awesome. Nothing wrong here.

Suzune: Okay, he doesn't have much of a personality 'cause he's little. But he's cute.

Rika Karasuma: Well, probably the most developed character in this manga. Yay for lovable villians.


I didn't really like the manga as must as Kamichama Karin. The unexplaned plotholes and new characters that range from boring- good didn't impress me.
But I enjoyed the darker plot, but the eding is still odd to me till this day. And why is Shi-chan at Karin & Kazune's wedding? She's a cat!


Read this if you read Kamichama Karin to complete the series, but don't expect anything too impressive.


Kamichama Karin Chu
Kamichama Karin Chu
Autor Koge-Donbo*