Love So Life 's review

Mar 27, 2021
Love So Live is a heartwarming manga, very cute humorous, but if you are expecting a great romance out of this, you will be sorely disappointed. The plot is far more focused on the relationships as they relate to the twins, Aoi and Akane, than that between the male and female lead, and that is fine, but it also overshadows most other relationships.
The progression is very disjointed, with the heroine falling in love (but not in love, because she's a silly protagonist who doesn't understand her own feelings) with the male lead from the very start, and any other developments creeping along at a snails pace, and is swiftly and hastily wrapped up in the last few chapters in an unsatisfactory fashion, in my opinion. It seemed to me that the author may have been rushed, as I recall at least one subplot that was left without any sort of resolution by the end.
Were I to rate it solely as a romance, I'd rate it a 5 or a six, but there are many other components to this story, it frequently made me smile, and occasionally made me sad, so I cannot say that I did not enjoy it sufficiently enough to award it the 8 that I believe it warrants.


Love So Life
Love So Life
Autor Kouchi, Kaede