Apr 03, 2021
Short, sweet, and thoughtful.

Story - This is definitely a slice of life, so the story pretty simple. That being said, the storylines across as very natural, and the characters are not put into contrived situations. I do not always like slice of life manga because it can feel stagnant sometimes, but there was enough of a plot in this story to keep me engaged. The description of The story led me to believe the plot would focus mainly on romance and memory loss with a dark undertone, but it was actually very uplifting, and focused more on relationships in general , not just romantic ones. And on cats. I was not prepared for the nu!bet of cats in this manga.

Art - some of the best art I've come across. Lovely use of color. I have certainly seen other manga where the art is grander or more intricate, but the style of art used in the manga really quite the story - simple, beautiful, and sweet. The drawings of the cats and flowers were especially lovely.

Characters - The characters were relatable and enjoyable. Not a lot of details given about their backstory or family, and not much character growth, but the story was so short that I didn't feel like I was missing out because of that. If you are a fan of straightforward romance without love triangles, breakups, betrayals, or love confessions that take 100+ chapters to be realized, then you will appreciate these characters.


Autor Yohan
Artista Zhena, Jenna, Kim Hye Jin