KISS/HUG review

Apr 03, 2021
You know some of those stories which make you want to cut out the heroine and paste your own face on her body just to be able to live out the story even more vicariously than is already possible? This is that times 20! Kiss/Hug is exactly as the title suggests, all about x's and o's and the squeal inducing in between moments of two of the most unexpected yet refreshing shoujo characters you'll come to love...

Yukino lives a comfortable existence in a community where she has friends, the caring and handsome senpai, her mother and younger brother and her late father's flower shop where she loves to work. But she is also thoughtful and instinctively kind so when she encounters a foreigner who appears to be wandering, she offers him help and thus ends up in close proximity with Ryuu, who for some reasons possesses an MBA, but still wound up as an exchange student in her school!
Been there done that? Wait for it... Ryuu had no intention of being a womanizer when he first came here but can't quite get over Yukino's spontaneity and spunk and Yukino has never encountered such a forward but charismatic kissing fiend! What is she to do but restrain herself from falling for him and punching his lights out when he looks at her with those sidelong glances and catches her unawares with a peck?! But above all, why is okasan taking Ryuu's side in all of this?!

This is a shoujo romance, but thankfully I see no constantly-on-the-edge-of-tears heroine who is insecure or timid about her feelings. Yukino is a boon to shoujos everywhere with her confidence and feistiness, and these are the qualities which appeal to Ryu. Plenty of character development occurs from both sides and each chapter peels off another layer to their personality. None of the scenes make you cringe because of their lameness or trite dialogue, and the overall pace is geared towards making this a delicious read.

Art is different from what you've come to expect with the bishi, but is very pleasant with the pretty and delicate Yukino and the vivacious backgrounds. First off... Ryuu's facials... they come off a bit... formidable and scary sometimes, especially when he's impassioned, which is often. Granted, he's supposed to be intense, what with English genes, sky high ambitions and that blue eye, black hair rarity, but that face can look a bit harsh at times! So he's not the generic prince, but more of a whirlwind presence in Yukino's life who mixes everything up and challenges her to open up her world and experience all the rollercoaster emotions associated with being the object of his over the top affection!

Doki doki... Oh my god, every other page! And each one of these semi intimate moments are mini orgasms in themselves! Never has romance been so chaste yet so capable of making your hear race! None of it is the expected, "Yeh, now she's gonna trip and he'll spontaneously materialize to catch her and (finger quote) accidentally (/quote) kiss her", rather the mangaka works hard at creating genuine tender moments which take the reader by surprise and feel character generated rather than for the sake of the plot.

Enjoyment, let's see... HOT cast, amazing art style with very detailed character movements and absolutely adorable chibi moments, which despite their abundance, don't get on your nerves in the slightest or detract from the romance. Yukino's novel reactions to Ryuu's brazen advances are extremely entertaining! Well thought out supporting characters that all retain mystery about their motives and intentions throughout. You can never completely figure out what Ryuu is thinking behind those brilliant eyes of his, but rest assured it makes for good storytelling! Add to this, well written and humorous dialogue which is comedic and passionate in equal parts and a realistic plot with moving circumstances and you have a great shoujo read, one you won't regret investing your precious manga time in! This is one you're gonna pick up again and again!


Autor Mitsuki Kako
Artista Mitsuki Kako