Nanoha Yougashiten no Ii Shigoto review

Apr 08, 2021
the story kicks off slowly compared to wakaki tamiki's last work TWGOK. but that much is to be

expected this is his new work after all and by the looks of it so far its not going to be the same in

the slightest. the plot centres around two small bakeries that are competing for dominance in the

area. Our MC Seiji is a high school boy who along with his two brothers have inherited their parents

bakery but have sadly fallen onto rough economic ties.

that sums up the story so far to be honest I'm excited for wakaki new work i loved TWGOK the

ending wasn't what i wanted but I'm okay with chihiro's ending and i believe the fandom really blew

it out of Proportion. the real reason why TWGOK ended so suddenly was because of Wakaki poor

health i mean really the guy was sick as hell. a year later he released TWGOK OVA manga and now a

year after that it seems his real next work is kicking off. so far the manga is really intriguing with

the recent 2 new chapters ( released sept 18-19th 2015) the story is starting to kick off as we learn about seijis brother and the two assumed

romantic interests. it starts slow so be warned but also take note that their is promise in this title. its the art that we all came to love so i hope

Wakaki the best and i hope that this manga at least reaches 100chapters and is translated often.


Nanoha Yougashiten no Ii Shigoto
Nanoha Yougashiten no Ii Shigoto
Autor Wakaki, Tamiki