SKIP BEAT review

Apr 02, 2021
Oh how I love this one! I first started it just because I had nothing to read and it just popped at the top of the list. I fell in love with it on the first page. I spent 35 hours straight reading it. The story captivated me.
The artwork - I did not enjoy it at first because it somehow reminded me Chinese style (I base this on those 3 Chinese mangas I have read), but, as I have reread this one for at least 7 times, I absolutely love the art style, it's not the best one there is, but it just fits with the story. The rough edges and ooo my those expressions in their eyes.

This one somehow compiles a lot of different experiences. The main protagonist is not the sweetest angel, that you usually see in a shoujo manga, and I love it. The way she has been developed during series is wonderful. Romance - everything happens so slowly, and it just makes me warm and fuzzy. Those few erotic moments were so tasteful, and it actually brought charm to the story.
The age gap - adorable. Comedy - marvelous. Drama - outstanding.
I think that this one will be on my re-read list for many more years to come. And I will be devastated when it ends.


Autor Nakamura Yoshiki
Artista Nakamura Yoshiki