SKIP BEAT review

Apr 02, 2021
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.....

Kyoko's desire for revenge upon finding out that her former childhood friend had been taking advantage of her for years is the catalyst that gets the plot moving and sparks a whole series of changes in Kyoko. Fortunately, the plot and the character's motives eventually grow beyond that story point, or else the story would have become repetitive and one-dimensional.

Rather than being a story about revenge, I would say that Skip Beat ends up being a story about different people coming to terms with the struggles or traumas of the past. For Kyoko, it is her history with Shou and her feelings of abandonment by her mother. For Ren, it is his estrangement from his father and his guilt over the sins of his past. Even the supporting characters have issues that they have to work through.

I really enjoyed both Ren's and Kyoko's characters. They were both well-rounded characters that didn't fall into predetermined tropes, with a variety of different motivations and the ability to grow over time. Their relationship with each other developed really slowly....gradually slowly....I appreciate that in a romance ( "love at first sight" makes me throw up in in my
mouth a little bit) but the pace may be too slow for some people.

The setting gave the mangaka the opportunity to place the main characters in a lot of different situations to push the boundaries of their relationship without it seeming too forced. The change in roles that Ren and Kyoko are portraying in their acting career helped to keep the story stay fresh as well. I especially liked the Cain Heel arc as it really pushed the boundaries in their relationship. I felt like that arc just kind of fizzled out, though, and would have liked to have seen more resolution or permanent changes in how Ren and Kyoko treated one another.....once those roles were over, I felt like their relationship back-tracked too much.


Autor Nakamura Yoshiki
Artista Nakamura Yoshiki