The Horizon review

Apr 15, 2021
The Horizon is quiet, understated, and subtle, while also being shocking, emotional, and unapologetically dark. The overbearing bleak atmosphere dominates this work, while simultaneously making those few moments of happiness so much sweeter. The author pulls absolutely no punches when portraying topics. More so than what I have previously mentioned, the thing that stuck with me the most was how much meaning and emotion is portrayed not through dialogue, but simply through imagery. In fact, there is very little dialogue at all. The art and pacing has absolutely no filler. Not a single panel is wasted. Everything in this story is there for a reason. I cannot name another manga that has made me feel as many emotions to the extent that The Horizon has. The straightforward (literally) concept allows for a story that in it's grit and ugliness is absolutely beautiful. It is an absolute crime that this is not better known. I do not often use this word, but it is an absolute masterpiece. I cannot praise this work enough.


The Horizon
The Horizon
Autor Jeong, Ji-Hoon