Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index review

Apr 14, 2021
Ok. So this is one of my favorite light novel series out there so i thought of making a review for it.

It's still basically magic vs science, but in a better way than the previous series. TouMAN is here to punch girls in there faces yet again!

well so lets start with the review.
Story : as the previous Index series, this series is also a character driven story. The events happening in many protagonists lives are smoothly connected. Magic vs Science is here yet again and adds more crisp. The fight scenes are always a treat with both sides using brain & muscle to overcome each other. The story is well executed within it's full potential through out the series. 9/10
Narrative abilities :
Kamachi never fails to amaze us with the plot twists and his well written narration. Every volume has a different type of narration as various gimmicks, but it's all well written and executed with the events occuring. The point of view frequently changes between characters, so you get a good grasp of situations through different angles.
Especially volume 7 is my favorite. Heroes vs Heroes setting was simply mind blowing to read. 9/10.
Characters :
Strongest point of NT. It's filled with different types of characters. We have TOUMA, our usual protag. But then there's accelerator with his own probles about his killings, hamazura who despite being a target of killing for academy city but still living within the city and trying to live a happy life, misaka who's trying to get close to touma and much more.
The character developement Touma has got is especially remarkable. He's our typical hero, but he can be a little selfish too sometimes to save himself, right?
Same is applied to other characters, misaka, accelerator, hamazura, birdway all go through some developement of their own.
Othinus was best antogonist of the series. Her development was heartwarming to say the least.
I feel sorry for index though.
Art : good. This is added bonus with plenty of illustrations to add in your reading. It's good, it's there when necessary and it enhances the enjoyment as whole.
Enjoyment : this series is a collision of various ideolisms, philosophies and such. And it's presented in a complex way, so you enjoy it when you finally realise the concept of each characters motive. As i said, volume 7 is my favorite. Thousands of heroes fighting each other to save one girl but all in different way. And the way it was narrated was mind blowing. Same with volume 9. The emotional trauma of kamijou was so well written that you feel it yourself. I loved all settings and surprisingly every volume has a different setting and it's well executed in each. It was a great read put all together.
Overall : 9/10.
Yeah, i really enjoyed it. It's nowhere near flawless but Every volume offered something different and i loved it all.
It all comes down to our own preferences, and this series pretty much satisfies me in every bit. This novel series is generic yet refreshing, complex yet simple and all.
I definately recommend this series to each & all of you. It's a great reading experience.
Maybe you wont like it as much as i do but it's definately worth a try.
I also suggest to read the previous series or watch the anime so you can enjoy this fully.
This review ends.


Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
Autor Kamachi, Kazuma