Uzumaki review

Apr 03, 2021
I initially read uzumaki when I was in middle school, at the time I had never seen anything like it. The more I read various manga similar to it I started changing my opinion of it. Overall I think Uzumaki is a good example of Junji ito making a multi-volume story instead of short stories. I'd recommend it to someone who wanted to read his work for the first time. I think besides the art, the big stand out to me of Uzmaki is the tone. Uzmaki is a horror story but it has comedic elements to it. the full page illustrations, as technically and stylistically beautiful as they are, they have a bizarre almost funny look to them. a good thing to point out is if you don't like body horror, Uzumaki isn't the manga for you. it's filled with visceral imagery, I wouldn't say its "scary" but it borders more on repulsive and disgusting. kinda like looking at an infection. the thing I think worked best in Uzumaki is the theme of the spiral making itself present in all of the manga. the story is a downward spiral for the characters and the town they live in, based on the quality of full page drawings I'd give it a 10 but I decided to give it an 8 because junji's artwork on character expressions aren't the best in my opinion, you'll see a lot of the characters when they feel nervous or on edge he'll draw them from the side with furrowed brows and a single sweat drop. It just feels like it removes anything character specific to their reactions.


Autor Ito, Junji