World Trigger review

Apr 03, 2021
As Far as shonens go it is of the mature kind. This may be because of a personal bias, but I think having cheap tsunderes, silly rivalries, unnecessarily loud characters, etc etc really dumb down a show. But those exist because it isn't easy to fill in those gaps. So when a show can give me interesting characters and story without having to rely on show story tools I really appreciate.

The beginning has good execution although it isn't necessarily ground breaking in its originality. But later on in the series it does overcome those barriers by expanding on this simple sci-fi template greatly by adding a decent level of politics, not on par with seinen/politics-focused shows but definitely good. politics isn't always the house of cards kind, real politics is simpler.

And really on the best things about this is show is the power system, the weapons and the strategy. Which really makes it one of a kind.


World Trigger
World Trigger
Autor Ashihara, Daisuke