Vampire Knight review

Apr 04, 2021
On this manga series, Matsuri Hino introduces us to Yuki Cross, who has no memory of her past, before she was saved from a vampire attack by a pure-blood vampire named: Kaname Kuran. Ten years later, we find Yuki studying and working as a guard on Cross Academy, which is attended by normal humans at daytime and vampires lead by Kaname Kuran at night. But that's not all, around this series. we get to see how Yuki goes through different types of challenges while protecting the Academy's secret, trying her hardest to uncover the secrets beyond the wall that's blocking her memories and hoping that the peace between vampires and humans works out the right way and doesn't cease to exist.

I have to admit Matsuri's imagination is wonderful, but scary at the same time. The way she got to create and develop such an amazing series like Vampire Knight it's pretty amazing and original! I don't even know how to express the way this series made me want more and be scared to get more. The series was so spectacularly good that I'm still not over it and still unable to express myself about it! If you have watched the anime based on this series, I welcome you all "omfg, hi!", but do not think you've seen it all, because you haven't. The manga volumes go beyond what was turned into the anime and far more deep into it. Give it a try and see for yourself, you'll probably end up complaining like, "WHY WASN'T THIS IN THE ANIME??! WHYYY!?" Just like I did after finishing it while being on my manga hangover/book hangover (however you wanna call it). Ehm. . .uh. . .anyways, going back to the review. . .

The plot of this series is so good and unique that it made me fell in love with it immediately. The way it develops through the volumes is so well done that I don't think it's possible for someone to get lost around it! Why? Because one way or another, everything or at least almost everything is connected. Even though the story is about Yuki and her life, we don't only get to see what happened or what is happening to her. Matsuri made sure we got a deep look around and through every important or principal character's past, also making sure not to bore us with just one character with the same problem over and over again, which was great!

Oh God, what else? Oh, right! C H A R A C T E R S! We meet a lot of different characters in this series, but even though they're different, they've got one thing in common: development. Yes, development! The way the characters grow was amazing because every single one of them changes and outgrows themselves after facing so many challenges!


Vampire Knight
Vampire Knight
Autor Hino, Matsuri