Vampire Wing review

Apr 13, 2021
the story is next to non existent,
the art does everything it has to to be good but nothing more
the characters are around for so little i wondered am i even surprise to care about them.

i am looking at this as a oneshot. and as a oneshot this is a complete failure.
its only about as long as a normal manga chapter, considering most oneshots are around 40 pages, some significantly more, some a bit less, but they are self contained stories. this one ends as fast as it begins. its like some guy was SO confident that it would be a manga he didn't even think more had to be done.

and also as a manga this would have failed. its overly generic and doesn't have the spark that makes other generic things live.

the only reason that i gave this a 5 is because it had a mildly amusing joke, and its not that long of a read.


Vampire Wing
Vampire Wing
Autor Shiono, Etorouji