Basara review

Mar 31, 2021
Basara. This won't be a helpful review, but I just wanted to share my thoughts.
I like the plot because its really original to me. The characters are strong and have personalities of their own, and you learn to love each character because you learn about their circumstances. Because of this,
Characters: 10/10. Sometimes stubbornness of specific characters bothered me but it's realistic. I got to understand why they were that way.

Enjoyment: Hmmm, I rate this a 7-8. Why? This is mainly because I felt that this manga dragged for longer than I though necessary. Its a good manga, but I feel it would have been better if it wasn't so detailed in some areas. I found myself skipping chapters that didn't focus so much on main characters or the story. I also found many of the situations realistic which I am thankful for.

Romance: I love how original it is despite being a Romeo and Juliet story. There are lots of things the protagonists were facing and had to over come. However at some point I started wondering when they will learn of their true identities and how they will over come it. Even though it was a happy ending, I didn't feel satisfied with the ending. I wanted more. After blank amount of suffering and tragedy, I wanted to see more happiness. I would have been satisfied if I got to see what good things happened.

Conclusion: Read it. :) If you like things like: Strong Characters, Romance, "I will die for you love", Trust, Friendship, Finding a place you belong, Learning who you are, and Forgiving, give this one a try.


Autor Tamura, Yumi