Beck review

Apr 14, 2021
A simple set up: Boy meets girl, boy likes girl. Girl likes boy in a band. Two boys meet, and then the world slowly but surely gets turned on its head. A mix of comedy, action, drama, romance, and music that can only be called a masterpeice. A must read for anyone just starting out in the Manga world, or a long time vet.

Like most people I'm sure I first saw the anime before I ever picked up the books. After finishing the anime I obsessively starting reading the manga. I've been reading manga and watching anime for over 10 years now and never before has a story, group of characters, and an artist ever hit me in a way that this series has. The way the characters develop (through gradual growth as they age all the way to baptisms by fire) and interact with each other despite their varied backgrounds and personalities will keep this as one of the all time best for me. After finishing this I'm not sure another manga can ever replace it.


Autor Sakuishi, Harold