One Piece review

Apr 17, 2021

Three words, corybantic, mundane, and underwhelming. One piece is one of, if not the most overrated manga I've ever read. Listen, I've been reading this manga since 2015 and I can tell you this is story contains some of the most formulaic writing, puerile characters, and overall jading story line, that drags, and drags... and drags. I'm tired of people overhyping this OBVIOUS milk cow, I've been watching One Piece drag for song long to the point where I don't even care about what goes on anymore.. I just want it to end! Many people share this very same opinion.. I'm not alone on this. Firstly, I don't agree with how Oda depicts pirates in One Piece, just call them adventurers for gods sake. Pirates are suppose to be robbers of the sea, not naïve corybantic idiots that run around screaming about the importance of friendship. Speaking of which, the development and overall characterization Oda chooses for this manga just doesn't fit with the world he is building. You tell me how a childish, naïve, impulsive idiot fits in the treacherous world of One Piece, oceans full of sea monsters the size skyscrapers, diseases that wipe out countries, and a ruthless corrupted government that has killed millions of innocents, where does this type of character fit? I'm also tired of people talking about the "character development" on how preternatural the character development is. There's a clear difference between a backstory and actual character development, they're not the same thing. Speaking of character development, the under developed crews just make me so mad, especially the supernova crews. Before I dropped one piece, it felt like Luffy was the only pirate with an actual crew, all the other pirate crews just felt.... irrelevant. Hell, don't take my word for it... look at the wiki page and just look how colorless and irrelevant the pirate crews look compared to Luffy's, and I'm not even talking about random pirates crews, these are Supernova crews were talking about - the actual "competition" for Luffy. Another thing I hate about the development, rather the characters in general, is that all the main cast acts like how they were on episode one, the unneeded old jokes just make it worse. You'd think after 1-3 years in a treacherous sea such as One Piece, Luffy would show SOME maturity in his perception of the world, but out of 1,000 chapters he still charges in battles mindlessly and overall makes careless mistakes. To add on to this Oda can't generate a sense of perturbation for shit, all throughout the whole damn series, he's won fights he should have never won, ass pulls left and right. It's too the point where any arc from marine ford and on I didn't take serious, the constant ass pulls caused the series to lose those moments serious tension for me, I never feel like Luffy is in any real danger. I'm not asking Luffy to be some edge lord, no. But at least show some maturity in his perception of the world, one piece fans deserve at least that in 1,000 chapters. Face it, the same meat jokes, the same bone jokes, the same cringe "SUUUUUPER" catch phrases are getting old. Grow up. My reasonings, plus the annoying fan base, plus the amount of chapters it takes to generate this disaster of a manga make me rate this manga a 1, deal with it.



One Piece
One Piece
Autor Oda, Eiichiro