One Piece review

Apr 16, 2021
One Piece is a legendary manga. Known for its absolutely crazy fans and forums, people often chalk One Piece up to be all hype and no substance. I know people who didn't want to try it because the artwork didn't appeal to them or they didn't want to go through the 300+ chapters that it would take to catch up. Most of the people who were initially hesitant to read One Piece fell in love with it right at the second major arc.

Of the 'Big Three,' One Piece was the last I started with and I wish that I had started it earlier. Ridiculously awesome characters, tear-jerking moments, comedy that actually makes me laugh, and Luffy. Oh, Luffy. In One Piece, very few characters are treated as wastes. Oda is very detailed when it comes to setting up a new character. It's hard to forget even the most minor of villains. And it's definitely the type of manga that sends chills all over your body. When you see a character make an epic return, when you hear the background stories of the nakama or whoever, when you watch battle being fought (often intelligently). Oda's chapters feel as if there's a purpose to everyone. The most minute of detail can easily become something big. And as Oda and his audience matured, the themes and events in One Piece did, as well. It's a manga for all ages, no doubt.

I can probably wax poetic for quite sometime regarding the sheer greatness of this manga, but I won't. Please give the manga a chance.


One Piece
One Piece
Autor Oda, Eiichiro