Mysterion review

Apr 14, 2021
Mysterion is an eccentric work to be sure. Much of that comes from spoilers which I cannot say here, and how that changes the dynamic of the story completely over this 5 volume run. Going in without much knowledge and an open mind will probably service the experience best. The beginning and end of the series look very different, narratively and tonally, but feel appropriate as you follow through each chapter (or “Take” as it’s called).

This story could be considered a “Character Study” for its main cast, with long stretches of self-reflection, regret and dreams. The characters and the consequences of their decisions are the focus of this manga. There is still action to be found, though usually reserved for built up moments. Art is consistently well done, including some wondrous page spreads along with small silly gag panels.

I am somewhat mixed on my thoughts of this manga, but it is always an enjoyable read throughout. I do recommend it, partially because I want more people to read and talk about Mysterion, and also because it's strange and intriguing. However, the experience does depend heavily on its characters, and if you do not find yourself connecting to them, it might be a hard sit. Most of the mysteries will be explained if you keep reading though! Try out the first volume!


Autor Azumi, Ryou