Sexual Hunter Riot review

Apr 13, 2021
This is a manga that was incredibly underwhelming. Now to start off, I know the premise is incredibly strange and I absolutely expected it to be low brow and I was perfectly fine with that. However, I don't think this did a very good job, even with that. The libido mechanic I found interesting, but it isn’t used very well, and honestly the fanservice while serviceable was too repetitive and overall felt somewhat lacking. The comedy suffered from the same fate, in that it kept trying to make the same joke without any variance, which while funny at first gets old. The plot was simple but fine for what it was trying to do, but then it suddenly goes in random directions towards the end. I have no opinion at all on how it ends though, because at that point it didn’t even feel like it mattered. The characters as they’re introduced seem interesting, but they are incredibly inconsistent. Being so, while there may have been attempts at relationship and character development, they feel incredibly forced because they aren’t in line with the previous attempts. Hence, in pretty much every way, it seems to have a spark of having potential, but also in every way, it failed to live up to that potential. The art was pretty good though.

A manga that’s clearly centered around comedic fan service but doesn’t have enough variety to pull it off.



Sexual Hunter Riot
Sexual Hunter Riot
Autor Tsukiji, Toshihiko