Creepy Cat: Neko to Watashi no Kimyou na Seikatsu review

Apr 05, 2021
This manga feels much like a 'gag-a-day' strip as most pages can stand on their own and offer a comedic punchline. On occasion there will be a small arc that covers a number of pages; this happens more often the further into the story you go.

As for plot, there isn't really much yet or, at the very least, the story is only just starting to get into one. Most arcs just uncover character backstory or explore the existing world a bit.

All this said, I actually quite enjoyed the world in this story. The art is very fitting and I am rather fond of it. The characters aren't extremely deep or fleshed out but the more recent pages are working on this and the main character is still charming enough to enjoy sticking around for.

The "Creepy Cat" is effectively a cat that looks hella sketch, is smarter than you think, and can do things physically that would make anyone think they are in a nightmare / horror flick. Many punchlines initially simply rely on the cat using its powers in a 'creepy' fashion but as it starts feeling normal you start noticing that the whole world in this story is kinda like this.

Overall the experience is chill and you'll have a general feel for the story style within the first couple pages.
