Oresama Ouji review

Apr 05, 2021
The shoujo-lover in me really wanted to believe that this would be an amazing Manga. I like the art style and find that the mangaka has done a good job with drawings... but the way-too-cliched storyline and overly shallow characters really takes away from it.

Storyline: The storyline, as mentioned, is very cliched. There's a girl and a guy, the guy treats the girl as his slave, the slave falls in love with his kind side. It's been done. To death. I found almost no originality in this plot or any of the situations.

Characters: They're unbelievably shallow. Granted that the mangaka was doing her best to give a good storyline in 3 chapters she should have given the main character, Sawa, at least a little more depth. How shallow can the girl be if she fully has the capabilities to fight for herself, yet plays the helpless damsel in distress part for the entire series? This series offended me as a female because it's as if the message was that perfect women are damsels in distress that should never show their own potential and wait for their princes to arrive. What the hell?

Overall I think that the only reason I found to read the series to the end was my appreciation of Aikawa Saki's art-- and boredom. I don't recommend the series for those who want a really moving storyline with interesting characters and such. ... maybe I'm being pessimistic? If all you're looking for is another romantic series to add to your list maybe this is worthwhile reading? It's not deep but the story is still there.


Oresama Ouji
Oresama Ouji
Autor Aikawa, Saki