Apocalypse no Toride review

Apr 03, 2021
Apocalypse no Toride is probably the best manga that I have read up till this point, which admittedly isn't that much, as I just started getting into manga about a month ago. Still, my inexperience with the medium aside, I have read enough stories to know that this one is very special. I honestly assumed that I wouldn't like it because the zombie premise is really old in my opinion, but the virus is possibly the most creative and interesting zombie virus that I have seen and the zombies behave in very interesting ways. The characters are also great, and they have very clear motivations. Trust me when I say that after you learn their backstories to the extent that they are at in the manga currently then you will come to appreciate them as well. One word of advice before reading this is that you definitely should consider how easily disturbed you are by images. This is because as the manga progresses, it gets more disturbing as far as the imagery is concerned. If that isn't a problem for you though, you should certainly read this manga, I'm sure that you'll come to love it as much as I have.


Apocalypse no Toride
Apocalypse no Toride
Autor Kuraishi, Yuu