The Flowers of Evil review

Apr 03, 2021
Flowers of Evil is a MANHWA about twins who are in love(?) with each other. The story is that these 2 brother and sister are in a very intimate relationship but the brother is getting sick of all the looks he gets from school and tries to distance himself as well as getting another lover. At the same time the sister is desperately trying to get his attention back whilst another dude tries to get with the sister. Basically its this love Apeirogon that is this constantly more and more anxiety filled as the series went on.

I mean the series is like ok. The issue is that every characters is like the worst person in the world. I mean every character. Everyone is trying to assault someone. Everyone trying to hurt someone and everyone is manipulating everyone its just this big cluster hell. All the characters have such an unlikable personality. Why does the author pretend anyone can be redeemed in this series i have no idea. Everyone in this series was Psychotic. The real contest was who was more psychotic? My problem with this is that with everyone being psychotic everyone has this really bad cookie cutter back story which is just ridiculous.

With that said i didn't per say hate the series. I was legitimately curious on far this series could push itself. and it went pretty far without feeling like the author is trying to stretch itself. So pacing was fine. Every chapter something happened. I guess the last chapter was rushed but endings usually are and i have a separate problem with the ending.

The ending was not good. Like i don't mind the events that occured. But how they occured was bad. Lack of emotional depth was an issue. And there was no buildup with the ending which is sad cuz i thought the build up was the better of this series.

Overall i just think this series was just not that good. I was gonna consider giving it a medicore score but now typing what i feel about this series its just a series where people make bad decisions. Its better than the author's other work Savage Garden but thats not an achievement. 4/10


The Flowers of Evil
The Flowers of Evil
Autor Lee, Hyeon-Sook