Kumika no Mikaku review

Apr 04, 2021
Slice of Life/ ( ˘▽˘)っ♨ (Eat) / Romance & Friendship within a workplace

Whenever I see a manga that demonstrates “love and happiness out of simple thing(s) that we take it/them for granted”, I give it a really high score. If you want to get that kind of “grateful vibe”, read this manga! σ(≧ε≦o)

!!Minor Spoiler!!
Story: 10 (using the concept of “eating” as the “starting point” of discovering “life” & “love” is so amazing! The main thing of this manga is not about food!! Rather, "food" is used as a "tool" to show us something more special and beautiful about life itself!)
Art: 10 (we can see the improvement of the mangaka’s drawing skill! If I can even drool from mangaka’s art, it means that he did an excellent job of drawing to food!)
Character: 10 (the setups of the characters are pretty excellent. We can also see how Kumika grow as a character xD )
Enjoyment: 10 (feeling internally warm whenever I read a chapter. Makes me feel more appreciative about every single meal that I have ate/ eat/ will eat :D)
Overall: 10 (Sweet from the beginning to the end. Oh yes! good ending ;D )

A good quotes for this manga:
“One cannot think well, love well and sleep well if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf

P.S. I really want Kumika’s secondary ears/ tentacles/ wings/ or extra hands (whatever you called them) xD


Kumika no Mikaku
Kumika no Mikaku
Autor Ononaka, Akihiro