Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso review

Apr 02, 2021
This was a terrible manga. I only read the second volume because I couldn't find the first one and it was pathetic. The girl and all the kids were annoying. The girl should've gone out of the story faster. The whole concept was bad. Guy is ugly. Also why a piano? Couldn't you've played Minecraft instead because it's a musical instrument, obviously. Also fanservice terrible. Boku no Pico was better. Like, seriously, the anime where the guy r*pes a smol child is better. Also, there was no stands. This is not a troll, this is my honest unfiltered opinion. And I'm not being sarcastic. DIO wasn't in it. No vampire daddy = bad. Astolfo was absent.


Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Autor Arakawa, Naoshi