Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte review

Apr 02, 2021
I dunno how many of you out there know about Please Save My Earth, I expect not many unless you're into 90's shoujo, considering the age of this series. Well, I'm here to try to change that and make you read it! ~(^◇^)/

Simply put, because of its age, this series does have some flaws in the art department. At times you can tell it's both old and wasn't very good/was still rough, but the characters and story far than make up for it. But the art does improve as time goes on, so it's a great to watch a mangaka grow, so props to Saki Hiwatari for improving!

This isn't a typical love story. I'm not even sure if it's a love story, so much as it happens to have some romance. The MC, Alice, is a young girl of 16 that starts having dreams in space with people she does not know. From there it quickly evolves into being one of the most compelling shoujos I've ever read, rivaled only by X/1999 from CLAMP in terms of content and handling of it. Do beware this series will fuck with your feelings!

I'm not about to spoil, mostly because I don't remember everything 100% and this is one of the series I can't reread because it's too deeply inside me, just like Alive - The Final Evolution, another manga that I do want to talk about but it's hard for me to.

Safe to say that this manga has characters just like I love them: realistic, human, flawed, make mistakes and can be stupid, naive and will get punished for it, but never in a mean sort of way. In fact, I found it tackled a lot of subjects I wasn't expecting, and one of the main casts is even gay.

Aside the characters, what I love loved about this was how the plot was so well thought out, and introduced. Mysteries start small and grow, evolving to big proportions, until finally it culminates into one of the most gripping climaxes I've experienced. I was crying by the end of this manga, I was so very touched by the sacrifice and pain and heart of these characters, how could I not?

/sighs lovingly

The ending is hopeful, and feels like a big warm hug after a tough fight of epic proportions, and I could not be happier that this series exists. It's a pity more people don't know it, and it got a pretty heavily condensed OVA that did not make it justice. If I could campaign for a series to get an anime adaptation, this would be the one!

Well, and After School Nightmare...and a lot of others, but you get my feelings! (^_-)≡★

I'll say this also covers a very interesting Sci-Fi element that I do not usually see in shoujo, and it's superb.

If you like a good plot heavy series, with good characters that grow and learn and evolve, then definitely pick this one a go! Plus the romance was both tragic and so sweet, how could anyone not like this???! Get on it! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte
Autor Hiwatari, Saki