Soul Eater review

Apr 02, 2021
Soul Eater was one of the very first mangas I picked up, and is the reason why I read and watch manga and anime today.

Story: 10/10 Soul Eater has unique concept of people who can turn into weapons and then controlled by their soul partner who is also their meister. But the jist of it- teenage grim reapers who go to a school that has them fight off the evil forces of the Kishin and witches. The story does a FANTASTIC job of balancing out lots of comedy, action, and dark themes. The story knows when to take itself seriously and when and how to get the mood to feel dark and depressing. It deals with philosophies of anarchy, nihilism, faith, government, madness, and love.

Art: 8/10 The artwork in the beginning of the story is very cartoon-y towards the beginning, giving the series a ghoulish, Halloween tone to it. As the series goes on, the art style changes into a more detailed and fantasy inspired work. Both work great for this series!

Character: 10/10 This is what makes Soul Eater so special. I'll start with Soul- He has spiky white hair and pointed shark teeth. He is part of the Evans family, a family of famous jazz musicians. Soul plays the piano, and is the brother of Wes Evans who plays the violin. Because Wes was a better musician than Soul, he felt inferior and ran away to Shibusen where he met Maka. Despite being arrogant and rebellious at times, when he is with Maka he becomes caring and protective, often willing to give his life in order to save Maka's. Maka is a straight A student who father is Lord Death's weapon. However, despite loving her father, she doesn't like his company because he cheated on her mom, causing the two of them to get a divorce. She became a meister because she wanted to create a stronger death scythe than her father, thus she teamed up with Soul, creating a strong friendship with him. Black Star has spiky blue hair, and shares a comedic bromance with Soul. He is obsessed with surpassing god, and is one of the best fighters in the manga. Tsubaki is his weapon partner. She has a sweet and accepting nature, always willing to help those in need. Death the Kid is the son of Lord Death. He has an obsessive compulsive disorder with symmetry and always tries to make his surroundings symmetrical. He has a kind heart, and truly cares about his friends. Liz and Patti are sisters who re the weapon partners of Kid. They were raised on the streets of New York City, but were taken in by Kid when he decided he wanted to make a Death Scythe(s). They dress in cowboy-like attire. Liz has the attitude of a typical teenage girl, and has an immense fear of paranormal activity, however she cares greatly for Patti. Patti is childish, and just as hyper as Black Star. Professor Franken Stein is their teacher, and has a love for researching. He is the archetype of a mad scientist, and he is the strongest meister to graduate from the DWMA, also being Spirit's (Maka's father) partner. However his character runs deeper than that. He often questions the meaning of life, the purpose of government, and the existence of fear and insanity. THe characters for Soul Eater are truly colorful ones, and are the main reason for Soul Eater's popularity. They are relatable, and are very well written, you can clearly tell that they are all best friends.

Enjoyment: 9/10 Soul Eater constantly leaves you on the edge of your seat, always making you crave for more, even after the series finishes. The arcs last for a perfect amount of time, and you feel yourself satisfied when you finish one. However, there are a few fight scenes that tend to drag on, and could have easily been replaced with some character development scenes. Overall, you will enjoy Soul Eater.

Overall: 10/10 Soul Eater is truly a one of a king series, and is my favorite manga that I've read. I highly encourage you to read it, for it's interesting intakes on life, friendship, government, and philosophy.


Soul Eater
Soul Eater
Autor Ookubo, Atsushi