Tokyo Ghoul review

Apr 02, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul is honestly an amazing, amazing work. Ishida Sui has such a talent for writing and spinning stories, you can see the detail he puts in his work, and how far he's planned ahead with the story. The panels are interesting and captivating, this manga has honestly some of the most vividly impactful images I have ever seen. Iconic scenes like the torture arc, V14, Kaneki jumping in to save Hide, thrown in with references from similar themed works like Metamorphosis by Kafka, Demian by Hermann Hesse, really makes you think. This manga will never get you bored, in fact, it gets better and better every time you reread and catch details you've never noticed that eventually are of significance to the plot, and you'll feel really mindblown. I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys deep, dark plots with heavy literature references, as well as the enjoyment in analysing things.


Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Ghoul
Autor Ishida, Sui