Re:Monster review

Apr 03, 2021
To begin with, I think MAL should put mediocre as #4 and decent as #5 when it comes to rankings.
Anyway! First review for this Manga in 2017.
Imagine a really cool premise, but an author that allows the protagonist to become ridiculously overpowered for no real reason. Imagine a manga without any threats or suspense. Imagine a manga where there was decent character buildup in the beginning, but during the later chapters it just turned into ramblings about "training" and completely one-sided battles.

*minor spoiler*
Oh, there's also a harem. Did I mention the harem of girls who love the protagonist only because he's the leader? Did I mention the elven sex slaves who join the ranks and forgo their grudges because of "training"?
*Spoiler over*

This is a manga with an interesting premise, but a lackluster story developed by the author.
There is no character development.
There is no suspense or chance for enemies to even challenge the protag.
There is no surprises, twists, or great plot points.
It's just a mediocre story about a guy who kills stuff and gets women.


Autor Kanekiru, Kogitsune