Hetalia Axis Powers review

Apr 02, 2021
If you are a history buff or travel buff or you just enjoy REALLY FUNNY manga, you will enjoy this. I am from the States and I travel a lot so it's interesting to me to see how people perceive us Americans. It's also interesting because during my travels, I tend to develop stereotypes of each country in my head. Don't get me wrong, I definitely do not mean this in a bad or malicious way, but rather in the playful way that Hetalia seems to capitalize on.

Honestly, a lot of the stereotypes are really spot on a kind of lovable... like America being really boastful and talking with his mouth full, Britain's uppity demeanor and the love/hate relationship with America, Russia and his violent tendencies, Japan and his politeness and need to apologize before speaking, Italy and his "I'll tell you everything just don't hit me", Austria and his disdain for everything, Canada being ignored, Korea and his obsession with k-dramas, etc. HAHAHAHA! The first time I read volume 1, I was literally in tears thinking about how spot on all the stereotypes were. All the characters are so cutely drawn too. Just adorable.

Hetalia also takes an interesting look at history! I have certainly learned a few things from this manga and it has also interested me enough that I look up stuff. And I was never even a big history buff in school.

Fun, educational, and adorable; what more could I ask for!


Hetalia Axis Powers
Hetalia Axis Powers
Autor Himaruya, Hidekaz