Solo Leveling review

Apr 17, 2021
Solo Leveling is safe to say a gamers dream. I had many doubts when my brother recommended this to me but within the first 30 minutes I could not stop reading. The premise is bout your below average MC tryna make it big in the world full of 'hunters". These hunters are task to raid dungeons fight monsters and etc. The stronger the hunter the higher rank. Our MC is the lowest rank thus making him the weakest hunter. How he gets to the top is what this whole show is about.

Story wise I feel as though solo leveling was good. I mean its nothing out of this world and does have your typical manhwa OP character level ups. However if you enjoy this then its definitely for you. If you don't then don't read it. Besides if there is a sequel i'm curious to see where the story is going as well as how good the world building is within that sequel. For the most part solo leveling did a really good job with world building. My only complaint is how they kinda copied hunter x hunter in a way. While not necessarily a complaint I thought it was kinda funny how they did it.
Story- 8/10

Not gonna say much about manhwa art. The fact that it is all colored makes it even better. For the most part its flashy has good style and every character looks and feels different. Not to mention the amazing fight scenes, power ups, attention to detail and did i mention the character designs? Guys this is art and its beautiful.
Art- 9/10

Characters in solo leveling. Where do I start? Our MC is pretty freaking amazing. Not gonna lie while he does start of weak how he develops as the story progresses was done pretty well. There is a reason its called solo leveling. While he does get help its all other his own powers. Side characters on the other hand i kinda feel this is the weak part of the whole series. For one I kinda feel S rank hunters are the only things to look forward to in this show everyone else is kinda meh. On a side note the characters aren't bad but do lack depth in a sense. Im only giving this an 8 cause they wrote a pretty good MC.
Characters- 8/10

One word badassery
Enjoyment- 10/10

A lot of better things to read if you want a deep story, deeper characters, slightly better art. But i'm gonna put opinion up there this is amazing. I'm into badass stories this one is up there. Just go in there and keep the mind simple it won't be simple once you come out. Solo leveling is superb.
Overall- 10/10


Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
Autor Chugong