Solo Leveling review

Apr 16, 2021
Review contains minor spoilers

Oh, my, god. What the hell 8,91?!!? That’s higher than ToG’s(Tower Of God)

Holyy, well here we go

Ohh Solo Leveling. I know i’m late to the SL train but, we’ve all heard of this series, whether it be social medias, anime/manga websites, or maybe you just heard of it from a friend. Now, you might ask, “Is Solo Leveling Good?” Or “Does Solo Leveling live up to the hype? Well, no but actually, no. Solo Leveling does not live up to the hype. People will say it’s the “best manwha ever”, or “It has the best plot”, we also have a lot of biased reviews. To tell you the truth, it’s overrated. It’s the definition of overrated. Well here’s my point of view in this review.


The first 40 chapters were good(i guess), but after chapter 45 or so, it started to declinel In terms of plot, there’s little plot. Now, we all have to remember this is a battle shounen. Battle Shounen’s with actual plot that is good are rare these days. So i’ll just one up my score. But to SL’s story. Well, the story is really nothing unique. It’s your same old “weak-guy-becomes-strong-after-getting-a-powerup” trope. It adds nothing new, we just have the formula of: “Disaster happens, filler fights, Jin-Woo arrives, where the good shit happens, looks badass, end.” That’s basically the whole story. And after chapter 128 Solo Leveling tries to be interesting by pulling a Kurama and Naruto. This fails, as the Carton Temple felt very very very very fast-paced, and ultimately fails as an arc. Sure the sovereign reveal was interesting, but it takes so long for them to actually expand in that.

One thing i’ll give to Solo Leveling tho is World-Building and how realistic the system is and how it would affect this world if it ever happened, so, props to them.

In summary, Solo Leveling is a generic power-trip with a badass mc, it also trys to be interesting but fails, due to lack of expansion. And yes, i did read the Novel. It was boring.(5/10)


Oh here we are. The characters. I’ll keep this short since there’s really nothing to say about them.

The characters are really just filler, and just are there to tell us how badass the MC is. They have no personalities whatsoever, and the rare ones that actually have personalities either.

A. Don’t have enough screen-time

B. Have the most generic bullshit personalities in the entirety of comics/manga.

The only interesting ones are Jin-Woo and His Father.


Possibly Solo Leveling’s strongest point. The Art is gorgeous, and each panel gives off the atmosphere of the situation. This is probably why Solo Leveling gets most of it’s love.(100/10)


Although i bashed SL alot in this review, i still really enjoyed this. Power fantasy trash is a guilty pleasure of mine, and sometimes i just wanna turn off my brain and watch an MC slay some mofos. The only real reason i made this review is to get off my chest on how overrated it its, even tho it’s one of my favorite’s.(8/10)

Overall score: 5



Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
Autor Chugong