Real Account review

Apr 05, 2021
I think there's an explanation necessary for the score.

This manga has a good message. It has good message. Heck, even the average Joe characters are okay. Where it fails--and does so miserably--is the plot. This plot is RIDDLED with plot holes and THEMATIC FLAWS.

To compare Real Account to real life, imagine your Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr/etc. account. If you die in the game, you die in real life. On top of this, if you die, so do your followers/friends. On the other hand, if your follower count goes down to zero, you will die. There is nothing particularly wrong about this premise. Manga like these that address social media issues so directly can be pretty great. Slap on the survival element and you have a good idea. The issue is THE FUCKING PLOT EXECUTION.

Real Account is the Facebook in this manga, only Real Account also has the capabilities of Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, and every social platform you can imagine. It is a way of life. When Real Account is hacked by an entity, it becomes a battle to survive. The issue with this is that the way the games are played out, it completely undermines humanity's ability to help others in need.

For example, in one game, a player is allowed to make ONE post, and only ONE post, on his account. The more people repost his/her post, the more money he/she gets, which becomes crucial in the latter part of the manga. If he/she gets no reposts, he/she promptly dies. Naturally, people start trying to make deals with people who were in the real world, like, "I will strip if this gets 50,000 reposts," or "I will reveal the next chapter of One Piece," and so forth. The issue with this is that the game SERIOUSLY UNDERMINES humanity's potential to help others in need. Think about it. If you knew someone's life was dependent on a repost, most people would not give a flying fuck about the deals. They will repost anything they see. And I'm sure you, whoever is reading this review, would do the same. You would repost to make sure people would live (I hope). This game is dependent on the belief that humans would actually PLACE A PRICE ON HUMAN LIFE, which sounds really edgy and something one might say, "It COULD happen", but is not true at all. Most humans have morals too, you know. It costs nothing to repost.

Also, there was a massive plot hole. The makers of Real Account (separate from the antagonist who started the survival game) decided that in 10 days time, they would shut down Real Account because they had no choice. OKAY, it literally makes no difference whether you shut the account down now or later! There is no difference, if any, in casualties depending on when you shut down Real Account! Why is there even a time limit??? This was included to provide unnecessary tension, and lowers the quality of this potentially good psychological drama.

I've only read seven chapters, I know. But you have to be a GOD to have so many plot holes and thematic issues within the span of seven chapters. I refuse to continue reading this, it doesn't treat the topic of fake imagery on social media with the proper attitude it needs. It simplifies it massively and dehumanizes us as much as Berserk is gory. There is no reason why that us humans need to be so uncaring of life. It serves no purpose than to add cheap drama.



Real Account
Real Account
Autor Watanabe, Shizumu