Dakara Ore ni Shina yo review

Apr 11, 2021

It moved way too fast for anything to really get developed, like the romance or characters etc etc. It was also just a bunch of cliche things rolled into a book. I mean, there's a typical high school girl who is super dense and has no common sense when falling in love, the super bad play boy who is a delinquent and is interested in the girl, the long-time-no-see childhood buddy that has feelings for the main character who is also a delinquent etc etc. There's also some sexually themed chapters in this series, although they haven't really shown anything in the seven chapters that I read, which is why I would not even recommend starting to read this series in the first place.


The art is okay. Like any typical shoujo manga, it casts two hot boys and one pretty girl I guess.


There is a serious need of character development in here. As I said, all these characters are typical typical in a shoujo manga, and it's even worse that the whole story is predictable. It takes away from the readers thrill. The characters are really hard to connect to. They have no pasts, the have no distinct uniqueness to them and they were (to me) unloveable. The only thing that I felt while reading this manga is that Kanata is one poor kid.


I think you can tell by reading the rest of this how I fell about this manga.


This manga was not worth my time. It left me with a bad taste in my mouth after reading it and it left me with a bad mood. I do warn people away with this review, but I don't discourage you to see if I know what I'm talking about. I do think that the author was trying to make this manga exciting and dramatic but she went overboard and made something that I would like to not look at again. I am sorry to the fans if I sound critical about this manga, but keep in mind that this is just one amateur reviewer out of a billion amateurs' opinion.


Dakara Ore ni Shina yo
Dakara Ore ni Shina yo
Autor Minase, Ai