Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari review

Apr 02, 2021
Deep Love: Ayu's Story was very realistic. fast-paced, and tragic - so much so that I'd classify it as a psychologically realistic horror story. There is not a joyous part to be found in the entire 8 chapters. It's one blow to the heart after another. Tears will stream down your face so much that not only will you need tissue for you nose but a towel for your tears.

Some characters reach so far out to you with their story and their past that you pray they can live until the next chapter. This was - I admit - well done at first but got a bit old after a while. It still, however, didn't lose the theme that money kills but so do people.

The art wasn't impressive to me. The eyes were drawn in a style I didn't warm up to and some scenes were hard to follow.

I read this story with the anticipation of obtaining a better perception of my own life and for inspiration for my story, but in the end it made me cry and cry even more for the fact that it was a realistic story.

It's not really a must-read, but I recommend it.

