Hungry Joker

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Alternativas: Japanese: ハングリージョーカー
Autor: Tabata, Yuuki
Escribe: Manga
Volúmenes: 3
Capítulos: 24
Estado: Finished
Publicar: 2012-11-12 to 2013-05-13
Publicación por entregas: Shounen Jump (Weekly)


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Alternativas: Japanese: ハングリージョーカー
Autor: Tabata, Yuuki
Escribe: Manga
Volúmenes: 3
Capítulos: 24
Estado: Finished
Publicar: 2012-11-12 to 2013-05-13
Publicación por entregas: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
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Follows the adventures of a scientist Haiji and his assistant Chitose. One day the doctor is called to resolve a mystery about a glowing corpse. From the will of an unknown power the corpse then transforms into a monster and Haiji has to defeat it, to learn all about a mysterious black apple which can regenerate itself and which when eaten will enable someone to control gravity...

(Source: MU)
Hungry Joker review
Apr 09, 2021
So a hungry joker review. where shall I start?

Let me just say that this surely a disappointing manga, why ? I shall tell you.

The story starts off nicely with character introduction, the learning of the powers that they using. So i got interested but halfway throughout the series I start to notice that they story is being rushed and that makes it a mess out of the series. this surely had great potential if it had dragged out a lot longer so that we can see good character development and see story play out a bit better.

story wise i gave this a 5. I was sincerely interested in the story because of the main character past, you saw all those dead people around him and makes you wonder what happened plus you get too know that he was being used for something. but then again since the story was rushed I cannot give it higher then a 5

Well i am not genius when it comes too art so i ll just rate however the art looks like for me. i give it a 8. although the characters look great, it doesn't make up lack of details in the background. Should it had beautiful surroundings I am sure the manga would have been better off

While they have good characters. I find the main ones lacking. If only the manga had been longer maybe then the characters could development into more likable and enjoyable characters. So I gave it a 7

I did enjoy this manga to a certain extend but that was only until halfway, after that it was all "meh" . I gave this a 6 since I was interested in the first place.

When I add all the things above in a rating I would say overall this manga is a 6, its real shame really. This manga could have achieve something great had it gotten some time. Read this manga if you have time or your bored. don't get your hopes up thinking this will be great when you start reading it.
Hungry Joker review
Apr 09, 2021
Omg yes! Something that its no like the other and its based in Physics ??!! I fucking love Phisics YEAH!!! Science Bitch!!
The crater is a rookie and the one shot of the manga got awarded . Wait. A ROOKIE MADE THIS SHIT!!! WOW!!!!
Omg can't w8 to read the . . . next . . . chapter…. *reads the manga got cancel throw low ranking

Why?? Why Shounen jump??? You used to be cool, bringing cool series and sh*t. Why you cancel hungry joker???
Oh Yeah the review.

Well its kind of hard to review a canceled series, its like:
"hey this series is really good, go check it out, get hyped and then NEVER LEARN WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPED CAUSE ITS CANCELED!! "
In one word: Unique
I mean all the characters are great, colourful ,fun and awesome and i love the main character, he is sarcastic and full of curiosity towards the thing around him.
The supporting character are pretty unique. There is this guy who acts really cool and looks really cool and then you call to his thoughts and his is all panicking and tries to keep his cool. There's also this girly dressed guy who is really fabulous and kinda attracted to the main character who is a lot of fun too. if i had to say something negative about the supporting characters is the heroin is a little weak but in my opinion you can overlook it. All the fun stuff is with Haichi and his intonation with other characters.
The world building/ story its kinda formal-ish, "we need to get that thing, here is a education back-story, go to a new place, make new nakama, fight the bad guy, merge Haichis powers with new character, win, get something, memories, powers whatever" there a been many formula based stories like Inuyasha, Fairy tale, the ancient magus pride etc, and i find it kinda unique. I can't think of other series with this formula, other people may not get to it, but for a shonen manga i think is awesome.
-But why a 9?? did you see how it ends thats not good.
Yeah but lets not forget is a cancels series. When a series is meant to be cancelled a guy come ups to the creator and says.
"Your manga sucks, you have 7 more chapter to draw"

I give it a 9 cause the potential it had, fresh and good. The artwork is also one of a kind, the characters are fun, the battles are awesome.

The creator decides to no give an actual ending but to show the readers the potential that could have and I'm all for it, who know he may get back to it.
And this manga had a lot of potential to be great like other great Shoune Jump manga before it. When this shit started everyone was f*king hyped ! Youtubers spent time to review every chapter every week and if you google image of it you will see som fun art. Get this?? people actually spent time to review it and make fun art. That sh*t is good!

Then this happened. Its got canceled.Jump readers didn't like it lovely, i think if it was on Sunday or Magazine it may do better.

I feel if this manga was meant to be voted by from people out of japan, it would get the love that it deserves and the ending that it deserved.
Hungry Joker review
Apr 09, 2021
I have only read 3 chapters of this manga, so, if my opinion of this changes after reading more of it, I will revise my review.

That being said i'll move on~

I love supernatural, action, shounen-ish stuff a lot. But I also really enjoy mystery and psychological reads as well. For some reason I was hoping to find a little of both worlds in this manga. So far i'm not impressed. Note: I did read the one shot before starting the series.

(Art) The quality of art in a manga is not something I would typically consider when rating. (unless it was downright awful) But if I were to rate the artwork I would give it a 9. It looked clean and well done. The monsters were very detailed and interesting to look at.

(Story)(6) Im gonna start by saying, this story has a lot of potential. The storyline is good and the ideas are interesting, but the author, in my humble opinion, isn't doing an awesome job with it... But like I said. Im only on chapter 3! So I'll give it a 6 being that its still early in the story for me. 3 chapters in and i'm not clear on what the monsters are, where they came from, or how they came to be. I can barley tell the setting that the story is taking place in. And I know little to nothing about any of the characters. I feel like the author has skipped the first few chapter and that this story doesn't have a very solid foundation.

(Characters)(5) Oh my gosh. The two main protagonist of this story, are grading on my nerves. Its unusual for me to not like a male main character but I feel very little affection or attachment to Haiji. He is very hard to relate to, has close to no emotion, and seem to have omnipotent intellect and power right off the bat. What makes a good character? In my opinion, its the flaws. Some people reading this might think; but he does have flaws! Ok, but of his flaws, which can you relate to? If he's a genius, can easily master great power and succeed at anything he wants to with ease. Then to me, he's boring. Another character that comes to mind when I think of Haiji is Jio Freed. Similar in a lot of ways but very different. Jio is a great character.
Now for the second protagonist Torioji. Not much to say about her... She's dull, boring and predictable. A flat character who's only purpose that I see is to be the foil character for Haiji. Oh, and apparently giving that 1% of inspiration to Haiji.
I would write about the main antagonist but so far I dont really know enough about him to form an opinion.

This manga has potential and I hope it doesn't crash and burn. I don't like being negative like this but this is just my honest opinion.

Please feel free to send me feedback on this review if you think I missed something or want to share your opinion on what I wrote. I love constructive criticism, I just ask that you be nice. I hope this review was helpful~ :)

Hungry Joker review
Apr 09, 2021
Absolutely terrible and it boggles my mind how some people even think it's good. Let me try and break it down into categories.

Story: Incredibly generic. Not only has this type of story, world, and atmosphere been done countless times before to the point that it's barely even remotely appealing anymore this series can't even pull it off effectively. The story is incredibly poorly written and juvenile as is the humor. It feels like some 12 year olds crappy D. Gray Man fan-fiction. Not to mention the entire concept of the story is incredibly pretentious as well as just stupid and laughably ridiculous. And of course the series got a rushed ending and cancellation due to how horrible it did in the rankings due to how horrible the series was. And the series of course went down the generic "FRIENDSHIP IS ULTRA SUPER AWESOME POWER NAKAMA PUNCH" route which just made it even worse.

Art: This series only redeeming factor. This kids art and panelwork honestly is really good and I do hope that this series inevitably getting an early axe won't discourage him from trying to get serialized in Jump in the future. I feel that this kid would be great if he was paired with somebody who was writing the story for him and he just did the art.

Character: All of the characters are paper thin 1 dimensional generic battle shonen stereotypes. And the MC is just annoying. That honestly is all there is to say. The characters and characterization in this manga is just straight up bad.

Enjoyment: Other than the art? Haha, yeah no.

Overall: Objectively terrible. The only thing that kept it from getting a 1 was the art and the panel-work.